Hugh Jackman on the Red Carpet at #PFCRound5 Have you seen the amazing press coverage for Philly Fights Cancer? In you’ll get to see Hugh Jackman on the red carpet at the Philly Fights Cancer Round 5 Gala! And just a …
Philadelphia Event Production
Getting into Fighting Shape for Round 3 of Philly Fights Cancer
September 8, 2017
WE’VE GOT THAT FRIDAY FEELING Without a doubt, we are feeling INSPIRED after a great event planning meeting yesterday for Philly Fights Cancer’s next AH-MAZING special gala fundraising event scheduled for October 28, 2017! It’s the time to finalize the design scope …
AS SEEN ON WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY. 1200 sexy Lucite chairs later, we can say the Philadelphia University Fashion Show just gets better and better! Yet another very sleek, very BIGTIME fabulous, fashion event in the City of Brotherly Love to rival all …