Have you met Floral Designer, Julie Farling? Here’s Your Chance

October 20, 2016 ,

Offering her design talents at both our events and floral boutique, Julie Farling’s passion for floral design is best characterized as simple, elegant and, whenever possible, free-form in style. With a strong sense of color and form, and her genuine passion for botanicals, Julie is able to create breathtaking custom floral designs that complement the aesthetic of each client or event she touches. All with a mega-watt smile, a calm demeanor and a wicked sense of humor. Learn a little bit more about Julie here:

What is your current role/title/job at Evantine Design?

My current position at Evantine is as Designer and I have worked here for the last six years.

What are you known for professionally? What do you have a knack for?

Creating beautiful things but I have a knack for keeping others around me calm. The more stressed others become around me the calmer I become.  It takes practice but it’s possible! I am also completely comfortable on camera and usually appear on local TV shows, like The Q, to talk about the holidays and decorating your table.

What three words would you like to hear your friends use when describing you?

Creative, intelligent, beautiful.

What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your clients/co-workers?

Taking something that seems like a stressful or big problem and turning it into something solvable and doable.

Before you started working at Evantine, what were doing?

Massage therapist, waitress, bartender, and dance instructor.

Professionally, what are you most passionate about?

Creating beautiful things with materials that may have already started out beautiful, as well as objects that look like nothing special and then making them special.

Personally, what are you most passionate about?

Meeting up with friends I see few and far between for conversation. As well as gardening, walking, meditation, alternative medicine, nutrition.

When you’re not working where can we find you?

In my back patio tending to my plants, or re-working an old piece of furniture, or simply lying in the sun with a magazine.

What is, or are, your favorite guilty pleasures?

Nutella and TMZ! Can’t get enough of either.

Do you have a favorite kind/type of event or party to work on?

Something with free form design because I can express myself with less structure.

Have you won any awards or medals you can brag about? And, for what?

I have won several for dance!

Love it! Okay, if there was anything you couldn’t live without on a daily basis, what would it be?

Aside from my wife, I’d say coffee, my iPhone and earbuds, and copious amounts of body lotion.

Interesting mix, for sure. If you weren’t designing flowers and events at Evantine, what or where would you be?

Working in the alternative health field doing acupuncture, energy work.

If we peeked inside your bag right now what would we find?

Not enough of anything to get arrested, but possibly questioned. Hmmm.

Oh boy! What else would we be surprised to learn about you? 

That I am an anxious driver so I’ll always walk or take public transportation, whenever possible.

Never would have thought that about you. Thanks again for participating in this Julie. As a closer, what advice would you give to your 23-year-old self?

Check in with yourself daily. Are you currently doing what makes you happy and fulfilled? And, do not worry as you will always land on your feet, no matter what you try.

Good advice. True.