Celebrate the Joy of Just Being Engaged

January 8, 2016 ,
Red Rose Chuppah Luxury Wedding Decor Evantine Design

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The holidays are behind us now and “engagement season” is now officially open! All kidding aside, we congratulate all the newly engaged couples out there and wish you, and your families, much joy during this precious time. But, please, if we could suggest anything to you as wedding planners who have seen it all and then some, PLEASE take the time to enjoy your engagement. Treasure the wedding planning journey for it is more than trying on gowns and tasting cakes. We love seeing happy couples and their families sitting around our conference table; couples who are thoroughly enjoying themselves instead of collapsing under the pressure of weighty expectations.

The careful planning of your wedding is not something to rush through or feel stressed out about. Embrace it. Enjoy it. Savor it. Look at it as a transitional time for you and your beloved to start working together as your own family unit, and for your families to work together as a team. Share your dreams with each other. Include your families in the conversation. Listen to each other. Acknowledge what is important to each of you in sharing the celebration with others. Be willing to compromise or offer realistic alternatives. Trust each other, as well as the experienced professionals you choose to work with on this milestone occasion. Honor each other’s individuality and treasure the unexpected creativity that springs forth during the process.

Being engaged alone is something to celebrate! Planning a wedding is amazing, truly. But marriage, well, MARRIAGE is a beautiful thing if you let it bloom.

{Photo courtesy of Michael Spain-Smith}