This sweet bridesmaid’s bouquet is lovely indeed with its softly blended mix of lavender and blush roses, two-tone purple and white picasso mini calla lilies, apple green viburnum, fluffy white mop-head hydrangea and seasonal dark green foliage. {photo: Ashley Bartoletti}
Bridal Showers
REAL STORIES: A Summer Bridal Shower with Modern Architecture, Bright Colors and Stylish Foods
June 7, 2011
A sensational creekside home just outside of Philadelphia marries modern architecture with vibrant color and stylish foods for this sophisticated bridal shower. [Photos: David Mielcarek]
Sometimes the ugly eyesore in the event space can become the party FAVORite. In this case, an empty shelving unit became an interactive Beauty Bar at a hip baby shower. [Photos courtesy of Marie Labbancz]